Opening December 16th, 3 - 6 PM.
Visitation hours: December 17-23rd, 1-6 PM.
Tent is the project to share the moments. I have shared some tea and coffees with people, often I had never spoken before, often just met there, and I didn’t even know their names. Over the tea or coffees, we shared dialogues about anything in our life, and at the end of the dialogue, I asked them to give me their wisdom of their life.
We all have full of stories of our life. We are made out of our life stories. We are the creations of stories, and we have found something which make sense to us. Key of the life, I call it “wisdom of life”.
However when our stories stay in only our life, it’s simply completed in our world. It’s all just ours.
Dialogues allowed the stories to be shared. Once it’s outside, it became vulnerable, fragile, and beautiful wisdom to gift.
It’s the end of the year, here is the gift from someone’s life for all of us.
Also, stop by to gift your wisdom to others.
Chië Shindo:
I am a wisdomteller, life-mind organizer based in Amsterdam. I from Japan, have years of the practice of awareness, through Martial Arts, Macrobiotic (perspective of yin-yang and the balance in life). Using the dialogues to mirror, reflect, also to reconstruct the well-balanced mind to be the connections between the minds, emotions, the moments, the life, and people.
This project is supported by Woorden van West.
Opening tea ceremony on 16th, 3 - 6PM
Tea serving with Chinese traditional method(Gong Fu Cha) by Ikaro Palacios