Anecdotal Evidence
Anecdotal Evidence
Duo show by Nezhla Imanzadeh & Cemre Eraslan
Opening times:
Friday & Saturday
17th & 18th of May
18:00 - 21:00
“Anecdotal Evidence” is a collaboration between two friends coming together in an abstruse manner, navigating an existential question that can not be put into words. Emerging data and information, whether scientific, societal, or somewhere in between, prove their utility time and time again by simply coming to the surface. Nezhla and Cemre investigate their consensus reality by simply creating within it. The object of creation left behind is the one material clue left to ponder upon.
Somewhere between human spirituality and animalic curiosity, their creative dialogue embraces the ambiguity of existence and the multiplicity of truths that coexist within the fabric of reality.