Expositie in opbouw
Friday the 13th of December residents of Broedplaats BOUW opened the doors of their studios for the annual BOUW OPEN event to show what’s happening in the artists' spaces and workshops. A live curation of the participating artists' works (by Rianne Zijderveld and Fadenka van der Sloot), took place at Studio Ferdinand.
Instead of curating a static group exhibition with (selected) objects made by the tenants of BOUW, curators Rianne Zijderveld & Fadenka van der Sloot question the act of curating it self. How do you select the objects? What does curating mean when you only know the visual aspects of the objects? What correlations can be identified between objects when putting them in different compositions? ‘Expositie in Opbouw’ is a live 4-hour long curating performance, through which answers are searched for, while new questions arise.
concept: Rianne Zijderveld, curators: Rianne Zijderveld & Fadenka van der Sloot.
photgraphy: Fadenka van der Sloot
Exhibited objects by:
Bob Waardenburg
Het Gildelab
Peim van der Sloot
Cian-Yu Bai
Ko Aarts
Itamar Gilboa
Studio Josha
Marnix Postma
Clary Stolte
Studio Floris Wubben
Daan Mars
Meike Sier
Malou van der Molen
Lemon Garments
Logic Locks
Hans van den Ban
Natalia Coleman
Brigitte de Langen
Roman Zhuk