Exciting Announcement! Join us for a journey into the heart of creativity and sustainability at the Lutkemeerpolder! Dive deep into the rich clay of Amsterdam and explore its potential in our upcoming workshop series led by Esra Sakir. As we sculpt and blend, we'll foster dialogue about ecology, food, and our connection to the earth.

Mark your calendars for May 19th as we kick off our immersive experience in Nieuw-West. Let's unearth the clay together, share delicious food, and ignite conversations for a healthier tomorrow. 

From May 20th to 22nd, join us at de Bouwput Amsterdam for hands-on workshops where we'll mold our visions into reality. No prior experience needed—just a love for clay and a passion for sustainable living. We ask everyone to bring along food to share with the group, to deepen our connection with the soil and share our favorite recipes for a healthier future.

This isn't just about art—it's about shaping a future we believe in. Secure your spot by subscribing to and be part of this transformative journey. Don't miss out! * all materials are included


  • May 12th - 19th: Site visit, clay treatment, communal food sharing, and insightful discussions.
  • May 20th - 21st: Sculpting sessions at de Bouwput Amsterdam.
  • May 22nd: Final touches and exhibition of our collective creations.

Spaces are limited, so act fast! Let's sculpt, create, and inspire together. See you there!