I am a wisdomteller, life-mind organizer based in Amsterdam. I from Japan, have years of the practice of awareness, through Martial Arts, Macrobiotic (perspective of yin-yang and the balance in life). Using the dialogues to mirror, reflect, also to reconstruct the wel-balanced mind to be the connections between the minds, emotions, the moments, the life, and people.
Especially, reset-redefine-reconstruction of the minds are what I specialize the most. With calmness, with gentleness, weave your answers out of your stories in the dialogues.
Tent is the project I share tea and dialogues over it, to have the moments of some small pauses in our daily life.
Often, everything is piled up till it landslides. Or we put ourself on the side even ourselves are the most important things. Just share some tea, coffee, and share some dialogues, with someone. Tent is here for it.
Stop by on 21 June, 4-9 pm.