Opening on the 31st October, 6-10 pm.
7 pm there will be a performance by Dimme van Harten and Jorge Herrero.
Opening times: 1st November, 2-8 pm.
A wild animal can be tamed so that it becomes accustomed to living with humans, but it will never be completely domesticated and remains genetically wild. In many ways humans growing up and adapting to society reflect a similar process of conditioning. When you are born you are more in tune with your instincts, acting on impulse with no regard to what is expected or considered appropriate. The longer you live in society, the more you conform to its social conventions and norms of behaviour until you slowly become tamed.
Wildborn is a four-part video installation that immerses the viewer in an animistic world. Through a combination of sound and performance the work seeks to reposition the human on an evolutionary path – a path of rebirth and the physical awakening of the wild spirit.
A work by Astrid Ardagh, Margarita Kosareva & Yi Wang
Sound: Adomas Palekas
Performers: Dimme Van Harten, Jorge Herrero, Martijn Looper, Ties Breveld, Ellinor Ødegård Staurbakk, Imani Hooi
Makeup: Inkeri Virtanen
Costume: Hanne Haug
A special thank you to
Tungsten Studio, VAV department of moving image, Mostafa Heravi, Martin Grootenboer, Colette Grootenboer, Omri Bigetz,
Ward Trommelen, Gideon van der Stelt, Maïa Taieb & Fanja Bouts
Produced with the support of Trafo